In the words of the doctor, we are doing GREAT. So great in fact, she thinks we could write a book of our process. Its that good. And why, you might wonder, are we doing so great at...well, since our last visit to her just 6 days ago, Miles gained 13 ounces bringing him up to a whopping 6 lbs 12 ounces. At this rate, our kid will be well over 8 pounds on his due date, just 2 weeks away. Hard to believe at this point, I should still be pregnant and in my last week of work.
The pictures featured are just one example of what a difference its been - the first taken just a week after Miles was born when he weighed around 3 pounds. The other, on Tuesday at almost 6 pounds, 12 ounces, over double his birth weight.
All of this makes the sleepless nights, endless bottle washing, pumping, feeding, diapering, etc completely worth it. Our boy is thriving...despite that well, he is a just a wee bit constipated. So maybe those extra ounces could be stored up crap. In the NICU when the weight of his stool was charted, he once had one over 1.5 ounces so its reasonable that it could add up to a few days could add up to a few ounces. Fortunately, even this according to the doctor is not cause for concern. Some poor babes even go seven or eight days at a stretch. As long as he is not in pain, its fine though we are encourage to massage his belly and after a few days, stick a vaseline-coated Q-tip up well, you know where...
His progress even made us forget about that incident a few nights ago. His unexplained fussiness, his full-on rooting, his near crawling up my chest made no sense. We contemplated calling the after hours doctor. Hadn't he just been fed? We keep a detailed record of how much he eats, when, when he poops, pees, how he sleeps, fusses, etc. Blame it the lack of sleep but it took us a good 30 minutes before we realized that indeed, we, well, forgot to feed our child. Sure enough, a 4 oz bottle of my finest milk put him to sleep.
Next week, Dave goes back to work so it will be another adjustment but for now, we are glowing in our little guy's growth and again feeling so fortunate for him and his health.
1 comment:
WHOA! Good job, momma!!!
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