Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Out from under the light and more...

Call it the roller coaster of emotion and today, we are enjoying the sweetness of a high and in the back of our mind, bracing ourselves for possible setbacks. Miles was finally removed from phototherapy. He no longer fusses with his funny looking hat and goggles. He has also advanced on the breathing front. He has been breathing on his own from Day 2 but had a back up system just in case. That too, has been reduced, meaning he is making fast improvements. His apneas (when he forgets to breathe - preemies of this age dont have the neurological development to "know" how to do this) - are few and far between. The doctor even said he was above normal in this area. And he continues to increase his intake of breast milk. Within a few days, all of his calories will be from my milk so I better keep up the 8-9 pumping sessions a day! Miles will also lose his IV, so one less wire to untangle when picking him up.

All in all, we are thrilled with his progress and making the most of our twice daily visits. I feel like a regular mom - taking his temperature, changing his diapers, feeding him (albeit through a tube) and rocking him to sleep. Still, we take it one day at a time....

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